CCS Board choses new athletic director at called meeting

by Jun 11, 2019NEWS ka-no-he-da





The Cherokee Central Schools (CCS) Board of Education called for a previously unscheduled meeting on Monday, June 10 at 4:45 p.m. and approved Sean Ross as the new CCS athletic director.

For this meeting Chairperson Charlotte Saunooke; Vice Chairperson Gloria Griffin; Secretary Jennifer Thompson; board members Isaac Long, Karen French-Browning, and John Crowe; Superintendent Dr. Michael Murray; Assistant Superintendent Dr. Beverly Payne; School Board Assistant Sunnie Clapsaddle; HR Coordinator Heather Driver; and Tribal Council Representative David Wolfe were present.

Opening prayer was led by Karen French-Browning.

The agenda was approved, and with no guests on the docket the Board moved directly to looking at the consent agenda. The majority of the 39 resolutions had to do with continuing contracts for CCS employees, though six of those items were pulled for further discussion.

The board passed the remaining 33 resolutions, and then went into a closed session less than five minutes into the meeting. This closed session lasted almost one and a half hours.

Once the meeting was opened, the Board voted on the six pulled items, as well as two resolutions that had been added to the list that were not on the agenda.

Resolution 19-342 was passed, approving Christopher Mintz to receive a wavier to the condition of employment in Personnel Policy, and allowing him to continue employment as the health & PE teacher. Gloria Griffin voted against, and Karen French-Browning chose to abstain.

Resolution 19-344 was passed, approving Rory Welch as a JV assistant football coach. French-Browning and Chairperson Saunooke voted against.

Resolution 19-371 was passed, approving Keith Pinnix as the new head coach for the Cherokee High School (CHS) Varsity Girls Basketball team. Isaac Long chose to abstain. Resolution 19-376 from the consent agenda also approved Pinnix as the Cherokee Middle School assistant principal.

Resolution 19-374 was passed, approving Dr. Debora Foerst to continue as the CHS principal. Gloria Griffin was the only vote against.

Resolution 19-380 passed, approving Howard Wahnetah to continue as the CCS finance director. The vote was unanimously in favor.

Resolution 19-381 passed, approving Paula Coker as the Cherokee Elementary School principal. French-Browning abstained from the vote.

Resolution 19-382 passed, approving Sean Ross was the new athletic director. Long and French-Browning chose to abstain.

Resolution 19-383 passed, approving Christopher Mintz for a continuing contract for the 2019-20 school year.  Chairperson Saunooke voted against.

The final topic of discussion had to do with an application correction for Bonnie Brown. Brown was applying with a master’s degree, but her paper work and salary recommendation reflected a bachelor’s degree. The Board voted and approved the correction unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned after confirming that the next meeting would be held on Monday, June 17.