RTCAR to host Threats to Forest Resources Workshop

by Mar 16, 2011Happenings0 comments

     The Emerald Ash Borer is decimating Ash trees in the Midwest and Northeast. Thousand Canker, threatening Walnuts, has been found in Knox County, Tenn. Sudden Oak Death could devastate species on the East Coast.

     RTCAR (Revitalization of Traditional Cherokee Artisan Resources) is hosting a morning workshop that includes information about these threats, research findings to counteract the spread of these diseases, and action that you can take to protect our forests.

     The workshop will take place on Friday, April 1 from 9am -1pm at the BIA Forestry & Fire Compound in Cherokee, 32 Drowning Bear Rd. (above the Credit Union).  The speakers will be Dr. Scott Schlarbaum from the Tennessee Tree Improvement Program at the University of Tennessee and Dr. Philip Bell of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the USDA.

     Lunch will be provided if you sign up by March 28.

     Info:  Beth  johnsonb@email.wcu.edu or David at RTCAR2004@gmail.com or to RSVP or call RTCAR at 554-6856 or 554-6925. This workshop is supported by RTCAR, Cherokee Preservation Foundation and Cherokee Cooperative Extension.