Thank you for success of Gadugi Earth Day community event

by May 6, 2015OPINIONS0 comments


The committee of the first Gadugi Earth Day Event would like to express their appreciation to all the community members who participated in our first event. Even though the rain hindered the event just a bit, the results showed a good turnout. Overall, we had 70 participants with a total of 1,505.5 lbs of recyclable materials brought in and 2,500lbs of documents shredded. We appreciate what members of our Tribe are doing to protect the environment and all 70 participants will receive a free recycle bin and can pick them at the Extension Office.

We would like to recognize and thank all those that participated and donated to this event: Tribal Recycling, Tribal Composting, Cherokee Indian Hospital, EBCI Cooperative Extension, American Security Shredding Inc., Manuel Maples and EBCI Department of Commerce, Cherokee Preservation Foundation, Christy Long, Hair Clan Hair Salon, Brio Restaurant, Sequoyah National Golf Course, Mandara Spa, Subway, Cherokee Bottle Water, Sassy Sunflower, Costa Rica Eco-Study Tour students, Cherokee Youth Council students, and Junaluska Leadership Council students.

Tammy Jackson

EBCI Community Development Coordinator/Costa Rica Tour