Cherokee Firefighters dispatched to California

by Aug 26, 2013NEWS ka-no-he-da0 comments

Shown (left-right) are Cherokee Firefighters who have been dispatched to fight the fires currently burning in Idaho, back row – Thomas Bendict, Mike Crowe Jr., Marq Ford, Rick McCoy, Eric Swayney, Kevin McCoy, Mario Esquivel, Sam Blythe, Jim Wolfe; front row – Anthony Welch and Charlie Reed. Not pictured – Doug Swayney, Brandon Sneed, Craig Arch and Ray Swayney. (Photo courtesy of David Lambert/BIA Cherokee Agency)

Shown (left-right) are Cherokee Firefighters who have been dispatched to fight the fires currently burning in California, back row – Thomas Bendict, Mike Crowe Jr., Marq Ford, Rick McCoy, Eric Swayney, Kevin McCoy, Mario Esquivel, Sam Blythe, Jim Wolfe; front row – Anthony Welch and Charlie Reed. Not pictured – Doug Swayney, Brandon Sneed, Craig Arch and Ray Swayney. (Photo courtesy of David Lambert/BIA Cherokee Agency)